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Outdoor Installations

These pieces are all designed to be installed outdoors. I enjoy seeing the work in context of the location and changing seasons. 

Phalanx is a variable size piece made of rejected medical face shields made by volunteers from a makerspace in Boston. I collected shields with optical defects and laser cut COVID-19 corona viruses on additional acryiic stock and formed them to shape. The community of volunteers who came together to make these shields are a much greater force all together than the sum of the materials. 2021


Alien Fishery is designed to bring attention to unintended consequences of introducing invasive species to our environment. Ornamental carp are destructive to the habitat of native species such as perch and pickerel. By giving them flight I am commenting on how far from their natural habitat an invasive species has come.

The Living Room is a young woman doing the work to center herself and thrive in the tides of life. A lobster trap has a tube for the entry much like her stomach portal. Inside the trap is divided in two with bait in the kitchen and space to hang out in the living room. The lobsters can walk out the way they came but they don't. I placed her on a lobster trap because I feel they are a metaphor for our tendency to stay in in the living room our whole lives rather than face our fears. Sometimes an illness or event sets us in the living room to heal. We may emerge to a whole new self image. Healing and integrating is like a meditation with the elements, you never know how much rain you will catch. 


Vodnik in Cruel Shoes was by the pond in Concord's Hapgood Wright Forest for two seasons for the Umbrella's 2018 Art Ramble. Vodnik was recently juried into 2019 Old Frog Pond Farm & Studio’s annual outdoor sculpture exhibit, Around the Pond and through the Woods.

Pachamama was created to oversee the kitchen gardens at the Durant-Kenrick House and Grounds, a historic house in Newton, MA for the exhibit Sculpture Meets Nature organized by Alison Newsome. Pachamama represents the journey of the slaves who lived at the house. They traveled from Africa to the Americas and the Caribbean. After 1640 they would be joined by the Indians of the Massachusetts tribes who were sold into slavery in the Caribbean after the War of King Philip. I think of her as a homestead goddess, bringing the Wampanoag, Yoruba and Taino traditions to protect her home. 

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Absurdly Tiny Hooves, AKA Bovine Balance at the Durant-Kenrick house.


© 2019 by Julie Lupien Nussbaum

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